Don’t leave your hard earned Time Off on the table!

According to the U.S. Travel Association, Americans leave more than 768 million unused vacation days.  You can read articles about  how vacations will help productivity, sleep, focus, energy… all that  good stuff!  But most still don't listen and continue to put work first and let those vacation days waste away

Days off are essential to overall health and well-being, helping to re-energize, re-focus, get rested, and ultimately be happier.

If you think about it, it is pretty sad that here in the US there is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the benefits of time off, educating employers on encouraging employees to use their time, and even designing a national day to block your time off for you.  

So here are some simple Dos and Don'ts of Vacation Planning
DO block your calendar, even if you are unsure of your plans just yet.  Keeping the calendar clear creates the opportunity to take vacation.

 DO  talk to your manager/boss, not just your to-do list.  Secure the time off. You deserve it and you have earned it.
DO plan for your bucket list, not just your to-do list. Let's work on making your bucket list obtainable so you can cross those destinations and experiences off, while holding onto those memories forever.
DON'T make your bucket list unattainable. What is reasonable for you in the next few years?

DON'T get swallowed up by details. Wouldn't it be amazing to have a personal concierge to take that off your plate? To guide you and do as little or as much of the planning as you would like so you can focus on what's most important to you? HINT:  Me!  I am your person!

DON'T be afraid of being proactive and ensuring you can use the vacation days you earn.
Let's Start Planning!

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