My name is Holly Carden.  I am a wife and mother of two amazing kiddos. My most favorite thing to do in the world is to plan and go on adventures with my family.  Whether big or small, time spent with my husband and children is time well spent.

My husband and I have been married for almost 30 years!  Wow – that went fast! Our first child was born our 17th year of marriage and our second child was born our 20th year of marriage.  We chose to live much of our married life without children.  For my clients who are looking for an adult only vacation, I am an advisor who understands that need for a childless experience and I will work hard to help you plan a relaxing and stress-free get away.

Now that I have children, I have quickly learned how every year with them, brings new joys and opportunities to learn.  I once read that we only have 18 summers with our children.  Those remaining summers are coming and going quicker that I would like.  For my clients who have little people, I understand the urgency in planning vacations that are not only fun, but filled with core memories full of family time spent together.

My first European trip as a teenager, sparked a desire to travel and see as much as I could.  That love of travel along with my obsessive need to be organized, makes me the perfect travel advisor to help you plan and execute your much - needed time away!  I treat each of my clients like ‘Ohana.  ‘Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind.  Whether you are needing a trip to see Mickey Mouse (my favorite!), a relaxing cruise to see those amazing aqua blue waters or flying to an exotic location, I would love for you to experience a travel advisor that will treat you like family and care about your trip as much as you do!

Email me at and let’s get started.    

“The most important thing is family.” ~Walt Disney